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Concept Voile - Cruising and sailing school in Cap Horn, Patagonia, Antarctica and French Polynesia

Joining us is to make sure your dreams will be longer than your nights.

Concept Voile videos

Cruises planning
Each year since 2012


Way down or way up in Patagonia channels

Each year:
Puerto Montt (41° south) to Ushuaia (55°south) :
From September 1st to October 15th
Ushuaia (55° south) to Puerto Montt (41° south) :
From April 10th to May 25th

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Cap Horn & Beagle

Cruise in Cap Horn and Beagle Channel glaciers

Each year:
Du 30 septembre au 12 mai
15 days trip recommended
see planning clicking on FIND OUT MORE)

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Antarctica Expedition

On request one year in advance
Minimum 3 people


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Other destinations

We are the link with people we know well and which provide a professionalism and a serious on uncommon destinations.


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Sailing school "Grand Large"

The "Grand large" sailing school is intended for beginners and those who already sail and need to perfect their knowledge, or those who are willing to cast off with their own boat.
The sailing school can be done during the cruises or trans-oceanics we offer.

The Grand Large sailing school by Concept Voile

Your skipper can train you to:

- Usual sailboat manoeuvres
- Navigation with today technological instruments (maps travers, GPS,..)
- Old fashionned navigation (calculation, astronomical navigation, ..)
- Maintaining a sailboat (mecanics, electricity, hydrolics)

The boat and the skipper

The skipper and his boat


Cruising - racing sailboat (ex Baracuda of Tarrant) which became famous during the RORC races in England, integrally refitted for extreme conditions in 2012 (insulation, heating system, interior fittings, autonomy, etc..). Fitted with 3 spacious double cabins (2 at the rear, 1 at the front), a large bathroom, equiped galley, and a large saloon. She can host up to 6 persons.

Comfy, rapid, solid et secured in all weather conditions, she will sails in symbiosis with elements, with the wind.

Architect : Tony Gastro / Type ULDB (ultra light displacement)
Length : 14.6 mètres (48 ft)
Beam : 3.6 mètres
Lifting keels with torpedo shape (drought 1.3 meter keel up, 2.55 meters keel down)
Hull inspired from the Vendée Globe 60 footers
A large stern platform to facilitate embarking and going for a swim.

Find out more about the technical spécifications of the boat


Your captain holds a French Marine Marchande valid certificate as master for a vessel of this size and class (Brevet Capitain 500). He could skip cargos but made the choice of dedicating his life to professional yachting.

Naviguant depuis sa naissance et professionnel depuis 1986 sur tous types de voiliers entre 10 et 35 mètres, et a parcouru tous les océans du monde que ce soit en charter ou en convoyage.

Il a résidé une dizaine d’années dans la mer des Antilles puis 17 ans dans le Pacifiques essentiellement en Polynésie. Et depuis 2012 en Patagonie Argentine et Chilienne

Il a, à son actifs 25 transocéaniques à la voile et un tour du monde. Son expérience dans la gestion des équipages contribue beaucoup à la bonne ambiance du bord et de façon générale ses anciens équipiers reviennent volontiers. De même, son expérience du charter fait qu’il connait parfaitement les secrets d’une croisière réussie. Passionné par son métier, il vous fera partager ses connaissances dans des domaines aussi variés que la navigation astronomique, la plongée en bouteille, l’apnée, la connaissance des étoiles… Et bien entendu sa connaissance de la voile, sa bonne humeur et beaucoup d’autres choses !

Spoken languages : French, Spanish, English, Portugese, fluently specially after the aperitif.


Please use our contact and reservation form.

Skipper contact
Email : [email protected]
Whatsapp : +56 956 755 829
GSM : +689 87 35 35 03
Skype : collomb.laurent

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